[BCHMMR09] An Integrated Framework for Web Services Orchestration
Par Sylvain Rampacek le mardi 16 mars 2010 à 14h44
[BCHMMR09] Céline BOUTROUS-SAAB, Demba COULIBALY, Serge HADDAD, Tarak MELLITI, Patrice MOREAUX, Sylvain Rampacek. An Integrated Framework for Web Services Orchestration. International Journal of Web Services Research. IGP, Vol. 6 (No. 4), pp. 1-29, Oct.-Dec. 2009.
Currently, Web services give place to active research and this is due both to industrial and theoretical factors. On one hand, Web services are essential as the design model of applications dedicated to the electronic business. On the other hand, this model aims to become one of the major formalisms for the design of distributed and cooperative applications in an open environment (the Internet).
In this paper, we will focus on two features of Web services. The first one concerns the interaction problem : given the interaction protocol of a Web service described in BPEL, how to generate the appropriate client ? Our approach is based on a formal semantics for BPEL via process algebra and yields an algorithm which decides whether such a client exists and synthetize the description of this client as a (timed) automaton. The second one concerns the design process of a service. We propose a method which proceeds by two successive refinements : first the service is described via UML, then refined in a BPEL model and finally enlarged with JAVA code using JCSWL, a new language that we introduce here. Our solutions are integrated in a service development framework that will be presented in a synthetic way.
BPEL, Formal Semantics, Interoperability, Program Synthesis, Language Expressivity